On December 4, 2023, a solemn ceremony of awarding the winners of the Republican competition in the field of invention “Shapagat-2023” took place in Astana.

The winner in the category “Best Innovative Company” was the A.B. Bekturov Institute of Chemical Sciences, the patent holder of the first patent for an invention of the Republic of Kazakhstan, issued in 1997, as well as 1025 documents of protection, including 60 foreign patents, more than 40 patents of the USSR, patents of the Russian Federation and 3 Eurasian patents.

From year to year, the Institute takes part in the Republican competition of achievements in the field of invention “Shapagat” and its employees have repeatedly been winners in the categories “Invention of the Year” and “Woman Inventor”.

Academicians of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan E.E. Ergozhin and K.D. Praliev were awarded the high title “Honored Inventor of the Republic of Kazakhstan”. At the tenth Republican competition of achievements in the field of invention “Shapagat”, Academician E.E. Ergozhin was awarded a gold medal named after V.I. Blinnikov "For contribution to inventive and patent business."

Outstanding honored scientists worked at the A.B. Bekturov Institute of Chemical Sciences Outstanding honored scientists worked, among whom Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan Yesen Abikenovitch Bekturov was awarded the “National Treasure” prize.